Jerry Pournelle, RIP

I remember reading once the contention that there are, at any given time in history, only about four hundred really influential people in the world, and that as such it’s really not too surprising that there are a lot of direct and indirect connections between them. Jerry Pournelle was indisputably one of those four hundred for our times.

Ready Player One, by Ernest Cline

I mean, you have to love any story that has Max Headroom piloting an Firefly-class freighter, right? Still, that is also one of my minor complaints, that and a thousand other references in the book are amusing but just throw-aways that are not really developed in the book and not really relevant to the plot, they’re just sort of mentioned in passing.

Book – Survival Hacks by Creek Stewart

In the 21st Century it is spectacularly difficult to get completely away from trash. If you’re in the suburbs, or rural areas, or even the trails and parks that pass for wilderness in most people’s experience you’re bound to have access to some of the junk that these hacks utilize, and might be very, very grateful for some clues as to how to use it someday.

Kevin Kelly’s Cool Tools

I subscribed to the mailing list as soon as it started, and while the quality has varied somewhat and there have been times when I felt that it wandered too far into non-utilitarian (non-useful) selections, I’ve never been tempted to un-subscribe, and I’ve learned of a great many useful things from it that I wouldn’t have otherwise known about.